But, on the upside, you get to wrack your brains trying to remember where that last page was stowed away while waiting for a new Age to open.
I find it a fair price to pay to be sure that soon there will be new content.
BTW, I hope everyon…
On the Saturday just gone, I attended Mystralia (Like Mysterium, but in Australia). Master Rand Miller himself favoured us with a video link-up, and one of the things he said was that Uru Live will definitely be available to 'Internationals' (IE Any…
When I played each of the games for the first time, I tried for the best ending possible, then after I got it, I played it again, stuffing around to see as many other endings as I could.
How many people were honourable and let Saavedro out at the …
You too, Otter. I'll keep an eye out for you.
If you have no objections, may I add you to my buddies, then I can see when you're online. You can add me too. (All of you, that is.)
Although, I believe with the Myst series, there is NO correct ending, only a certain ending where everything happened to go as planned and therefore continues the story accurately.
After all, all the different endings are reflections on how we as …
So the villain rumour has been confirmed, has it?
Of course, all the Myst games have had their intense moments of conflict, though only the scenes with Gehn required you to actually time yo…
I doubt we'd be starting in Releeshan.
I've heard snippets that Cyan would like us to explore Releeshan, but that was not in the foreseeable future.
Besides, Yeesha only arrived there at the end of End of Ages - and if Uru Live remains true to t…
Each book is stand alone, but is part of the Myst series, just as each game is stand-alone.
However, to fully understand the story behind all the characters, you need the books. Not so much the Book of D'ni, as that takes …
I imagine that Uru Live will be entirely dynamic, and as I would imagine in this sense, the villain may be played by a real person - possibly a Cyan employee - who will do villainous deeds.
The upside to this is the story will be forever changing,…
Originally posted by justhetigger
what a question to ask if it will be PVP. Has any of the myst games had weapons use to kill you. I don't think it possible to die in any of the myst games. But if we do get those vehicles we wont need the gun from …
Hmm... The question is a little vague...
As to "What Age will we start?" If it's not the cleft, it also rules out Tomahna and any D'ni locations (It's all on Earth.) I'd probably say most likely Gahreesen, as the KI is vastly important to the Uru …
I was first introduced to Uru by a workmate in 2004, and he found it about a week after Live was first shut down.
Anyway, when I finally upgraded my computer, I got it myself early 2005, and spent MONTHS looking for PotS, before finally finding it…
That map is not just missed in the Myst Reader, it was also missed in the paperback version of BoT. I'm still looking for them in HC though, if anyone is willing to part with their copies?
It is amazing how well the books turned out. I think it owes to the fact that the Myst games would never have been as much a success if not made by such excellent story tellers - tee'ahnatee.
Though, the games are much…
:: This post contains possible spoilers ::
BoA: The Book of Atrus
BoT: The Book of Ti'Ana
BoD: The Book of D'ni
BoM: The Book of Marrim (As yet unpublished.)
First, I don't know what's going on with the Book of Marrim (I want news as wel…