LMAO!!!! You my friend are what we humans call an idiot. Hide and Sneak make you completely invisible to all other players no matter what you have it trained to. The only way to be seen while in hide or sneak is to have hide/sneak trained below 20 a…
If you get into your town and ppl are camping the ToL and you fail to kill them when you built the city there is only one reason for that....you suck. If this is a problem for you then you should get spires to aid your in town combat.
Example: Fir…
Maybe that would work in games like WoW or Guild Wars but it doesnt have to be like that in SB a lvl 60 toon is just as viable as a lvl 75 in most(at least 80%) cases. I can also think of sever occasions where toons in there 30s have taken out toon …