i posted on their forums and asked bout it. http://boards.stratics.com/php-bin/swg/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=281408&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 thats the reply i got
"OHHH yea another great part was this.
This guy asked a question about elder jedi and that he has 12 accounts and bla bla bla. He got a real crappy answer form one of the devs, pulled out hes laptop and canceled his accounts right the…
i want more than anything for the game to be rolledback i just don't understand why people won't quit at least for 6 months i mean if no progress is made towards a rollback then you can resub and play the game again. but in my opinion in six months…
i truly hope they do. actually i would be happy with the CU. it wasn't that bad after a while it was getting better and better till november 15 2005 when it got shitty.
but i totally agree we need to stop paying at least for like 3 months and i gu…
what someone needs to do is write up a complete in depth case file. include the history of swg, all the promises soe made to the players, tell what promises went unfullfilled and wat ones actually came, deeply describe every complaint you have with …
Originally posted by AdevDarkstar
I heard that they were upgrading to a gerbal but Smed disapeared in his office with TH, a jar of vasoline, and a papertowl tube, and they haven't seen any of them since.
now that is some of the funniest shit i'…
well i know bioware is making a mmorpg so maybe they will announce that they are letting them make a star wars one. that would be dope considerin how good biowares games are