Just pretend he's not here. If he won't take the time to check out our guild site before posting something like that, then he's not worth the time to respond to his flaming post.
On a side note, can't wait for tomorrow!
I'm writing all of this down. I love baking, actually. I used to bake all the time for friends and family, I never really ate anything I made but nobody died, so I guess it was all OK.
I can indeed bake both, but haven't for probably over a year. Oatmeal raisin are my fave! I'll make some of both just for you though, Brakk. Maybe I'll even bake a pie!!!
Chaakra gave it away! The cookies were supposed to be a secret for just a while longer. But yes, there are cookies involved.
It's great to see how many people we have online in-game at any moment in time during this open beta. I can just imagine ho…
Everything that is being said here is true. Antilus hit it right on the head. This guild does feel like a family. I know, cheesy! But it is true. We even beat each other up like a real family! Ok, maybe not, but still...family.
If you want to be a part of a superb group of people in WAR, this is definitely the guild for you. We have a mature player base, but we still know how to kick it around. Stop into our forums and take a look around.
I logged out in my house on Corellia. This was just a couple weeks after JTL went live and I knew from that expansion on that I would not like the game I had grown to love. I mastered up CH again just to be able to take out my favorite pets one last…
Your guild sounds very interesting. Seems like it will enhance the gameplay of those who are part of the guild and play FE. I will definitely keep you guys in mind.
Originally posted by MX13
There are quite a few watching this game... I'll bet you'll be seeing quite a few SWG Vets on Day One... I'll be there...
I know I'll be there as well. I've been waiting for a game to get back to the sandbox gameplay that …
Originally posted by jrscott
Originally posted by Morlan
That being said i stood my ground fairly well until my armor reched 0 condition and i had to run like hell out of there.
Reminds me of the time I was out with two friends on Dantooine and I…
Originally posted by tillamook Originally posted by Amnestie Originally posted by tillamooklol, found some good pics on imagedump of NS hunts http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=86632http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&t…
Originally posted by tillamook
lol, found some good pics on imagedump of NS huntshttp://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=86632
Those pics look about right. I remember training up…
Originally posted by Wildcat84
And you wouldn't go near Dathomir without a crate of swoops. Nightsisters HATED swoop bikes.Remember when Rancor were actually scary? And grinding in Rancor Valley anyway?
I forgot about that. I lost so many bikes …
"Did they ever add the ability to fight while riding a mount? I seem to recall being able to defend (auto attack kicked in) when I was attacked, but not use any specials. Though I could be totally wrong and it never actually happened, and if it di…