I played the game on and off and it has gotten a lot better. I also agree with someone above about increasing the basic attack speed. That could go a long way in making the game flow or feel more fluid. The countess especially comes off as awkward. …
I absolutely loved Shadowbane. So many class/race combos. Team skill builds and ninja raids early on in the game.
My second choice would of been DAoC, was just a unique and fun experience at the time.
While fun but no where near as good as the a…
Ever had a squad of marines charged by Banshees or Scorpians. Ive destroyed SM Devastator squads with fewer Reapers. It isnt just stat lines, as I said the Aspects are like specialized versions of marines, in their intended roles they can destroy SM…
Originally posted by Overkill
The idea that SMs have to be OP doesnt seem so obvious to me. Eldar can be as powerful if not more so. Aspect warriors are kind of like specialized versions of SMs.
An idea for Ork I like is what if like in Allods th…
I hope they balance things out. I would hate to see 10k Space Marines running around bunny hopping firing meltas all day....It just doesnt fit. I also hope if they do a ranking system they cap how many people can have a certain rank. You would nev…
I dont see how it will be the same. G&H looks I dont know much more fun. and more realistic based on some real myths and legends. Just seems to be a realistic combat with some unit combat...bah just cant wait to play it
Definately doesnt look like a F2P game. I agree with one of the previous users comments. I think it is an insult, I would definately pay 15/month for this game. Looks cool, and brings something new to the genre. I love PVP and some squad based PVP …