Cmmon people even a walk in the street can kill U or some other bizzar incident I dont think that MMO`s R like drugs cause I play when I hawe time and usualy with my friends online, drugs waste your life yeah sure there R allways some xtreme cases b…
I must agree if U wanna play a good game pay for it , I played allmost ewery free MMO that I could find out there and all of them hawe some things in coment U grind,grimd and grind and about lv 30 U will find 2 many botters and other scumm that pwr …
Cant say that I hawe read all comments but WoW is a typical grind for it`s time he was nice but today market is full with similare MMO`s so it looks kinda funny allthough all of us dont like grinding but cant say that I played any game in which U do…
This game is 1 of the greatest free MMO`s out there BUT like all other free MMos it just grind ,grind,grind ......grind yes ewery MMO got this but this game has it more than any other it`s massivly played U need allmost 10min to log in and not 2 men…
I agree that a lot of MMOS got grinding but that grinding should hawe some cause and not like go and kill100 of those and when U come back U got another quest just now U hawe 2 kill 200 of the same creeps It takes all the fun
Gw has it`s flawes but it is a great game that combines good story and primary quest and MMo much more likeble than thousands of clones with quests like go and kill100 of those and upon your return U get another quest similar and so on and on I thin…