The only thing that is keeping me some reinstalling DAOC and saying goodby to WOW is the fact of finding LOW ML groups to go with. me my lvl 50 skald was only ML1 and i could never get a grp to do the lower lvl ones.
man it is nice to know people hated Albs as much as i but ya i have looked into Warhammer a lil bit myself and it does seem that it MIGHT bring us back to the glory days of DAOC.
I knew about Warhammer awhile ago, but i did not know wut the bases of the game was going to be, still dont. does ne one know if there r ne gamplay videos out yet?
Bent you put that every well. I knew that Toa would begin the end of DAOC when i was running around Merlin Midgard with my newly lvled 50 Skald with a really experenced group who knew how to use their char in the best way possiable. then we ran acro…
I have also played both DAOC and WOW. i currently play WOW.
Honestly WOW is one of the greatest PVE game outthere. like everyone has alrdy stated with is vast amouts of dungens and areas to explore how can WOW be disliked? IN PVP!!! I love wow an…
Although i do agree with the whole TD convo of this discussion, the reason i left DAOC goes farter back then most have even played the game. I started playing DAOC pre SI and continued to play up untill a few months before the release of Darkness Ri…