I'm in Underworld Outcast [Uwoc] and we now have 23 members. we have cape, hall, luxon alliance, forum (www.uwoc.tk) and IRC chat server and we're working on teamspeak. we have friendly (but a bit wacky) people that do AB and GvG mostly bit al…
You can also try to buy the pre-launch pakket, its just $10 and whit it you can play for 14 days in Profecies and Faction. if you found one and you need somebody to help you or you need a guild contact me in-game: Undead Ranger Men
Check the Underworld Outcast topic at this section, we're a small but realy great guild (20 members) that do mostly AB and GvG but also do PvE. or just check out www.uwoc.tk or contact me in-game "Undead Ranger Men"