Thanks to Dakota for starting this thread.
Heartless, thanks for all the visuals. I loved the lens flare, and if I had been drinking anything, it would have sprayed keyboard and screen when I saw FFXIV.
Like many here, I alternate between fanb…
Dominions III.
Not an MMORPG, more a 4X game. I have been gaming for over 20 years.. back to the days of Wizardry and the Infocom games like Zork on my apple ][e. This game from a few years ago has the deepest game play I have ever seen with a…
I was mainly trying to caution against relying too much on numbers from a survey or sampling data as those numbers are not inherently "correct." Such numbers are easily skewed, intentionally, or simply by the nature of the sampling…
Just thought I would step out of lurk mode for a minute to kick that dead horse one more time. I have an inherent mistrust of polling data and conclusions as anyone with a background in statistics knows what a joke the phrase "numbers don't lie" is…