Originally posted by r4NGe
yeah, Fenril is just trying to stem the tide of people get the game not knowing what to expect. These people usually whine and whine and whine until the game is ruined.
The point that the poster 2 above this post was tr…
I do hope that you're right.
My hopes for this game are probably too high, but I honestly do hope that this is the game that will save the genre, the game that will bring meaning back into MMOs. I had very high hopes for WoW given the promises, …
I'm sure he is too, but he's not the only person with a financial interest in the game. WoW was not ready to be released when it was, Blizzard knew that, but Vivendi wanted to start making money so they basically strongarmed them into releasing it …
I know they want a long beta, but I also know that they're in a business, and part of that business is to stop development and start making money. If the beta begins in early July, I would not be suprised to see the game in stores 12/1/05. A bold …