The fact is really does take awhile to reach max lvl, (180) and it is alot easier since the beta servers. But what fun is a game where u reach max lvl in a week? Anywayz this game is great and just needs more players so atleast try it for 2 weeks fr…
Helbreathusa, been around for like 6 years, graphics arnt high tech 3d but gameplay and community is great. Just needs more players so come try it out for 2 weeks free! only cost 9.95 us/month
this game is mainly pvp, but has a wide PVM enviorment. Its basic, addictive, and x10 better then wow for pvp and Pvm.
max lvl is 180 which takes about 6months-1 year if you grind. Items are a big role in the game, and a…
best mmorpg ive ever played, its simple best pvp in any game. max lvl is 180 which takes about 6months-1year if u grind alot. Not too too hard to get good items, player friendly. Just right now its kinda at a slump due to lac…