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  • Originally posted by PANDEMIC *COUGH* mercuri *COUGH* and that was just last month. nuff said tbh Mercuri was not a corrupt GM. Mercuri quit due to personal reasons (new Job). You could see that for yourself. http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.p…
  • Originally posted by Mattimeo The problem is, much of it IS truth. It's an intresting mindset the forum mods are cultivating over on the official forums isn't it? Anything negative about the game is immediatly struck down and edited into oblivion or…
  • Originally posted by Celt0r Pwn post, absolutely PWN post! You think you could be more constuctive in your posting instead of just copying someone elses post with a one line "m3 too!!1!!".
  • Originally posted by beatbox If you think our information is outdated, you are mistaken since i left AFTER patch #200, This actual patch is another contribution to what had led me to leave the game forever. I find this very hard to believe. You me…
  • Originally posted by beatbox *snip* I am reminded of a small child screaming "Look at me! Look at me!". I've been reading MMORPG a while, only registered originally to reply to Kriminal as he was giving an outdated and incorrect outlook of the g…
  • Originally posted by The_Owner The graphics do look somewhat better, the water and character models look better but the rest like the cities and wastelands look touched up with better textures. They have souped up to DirectX9 for BDOY. Also in the …
  • First up, shijins post which is now deleted listed in detail what a GM does in Neocron and how much logging took place. It basically refuted everything you said to this point. I am sure Shinjin if he was was bothered would repost it. So you think …
  • and the personal attacks against the KK GM were left there for over a day before they were finally removed by the poster For anyone who missed Shinjins post it explained in detail what a GM goes through which if I recall the post. 1. GM actions…
  • First up if you are going to reply, don't just quote the whole previous post. It makes your posts harder to read and just clutters up the whole post. Uh no you havent played neocron longer than I... When did I even say how long I played neocron …
  • Have you even played neocron before? I have played Neocron longer then you have. I still play Neocron. So who do you think would know more about Neocron? Me or you? I think I would have heard if all gms actions were now logged perhaps you want …
  • I said I know that not all gms can spawn stuff that doesn't mean they can't cause everyone trouble. ... I know damn well that some of them can spawn items. I know they can log in to other peoples characters maybe with help of kk but they can. Y…
  • Originally posted by Kriminal99 Yes that happened in the past tense. Nothing they have done has reduced the ability of their volunteer gms to do this kind of thing if they wanted. So you have changed from they are all using thier powers for corrup…
  • Originally posted by Kriminal99 Hey Oath. The Item stealing event I was speaking of was back in the day long before gms actions were logged. The point you are missing is you are always talking in the past tense. Yes there have been corrupt GM's…
  • To my knowledge the only way a GM can remove your items from you is they log in on your character (from reading thier in game forums). Only KK employees can do that. Normal GMs are gimped in what they can do. They aren't even allowed appear visibl…
  • US version afair had the nudity removed before they were allowed sell it. But you could download a patch to fix this.
  • Edited as offending post was removed.
  • actually i did play neocron, i played it in the later beta stages with 2 of my friends, its a decent game, but it doesnt offer enough, so i cant see paying for i While I can't comment on AO as I have not played it. I can tell you that I basing your…
  • Edited as offending post was removed.
  • Your coments have nothing to do with the game.
  • Originally posted by Mattimeo The community is absolutly awful. most of them are so petty and selfish they can't see past their own Ego's and see what would be good for the game. I would disagree on this. Each server has thier own playstyle but the…