I would be happy just to log in again as a preCU player, and that meens as a "from scratch player", all complaints aside. I think that making preCU servers would be enough of an admission of guilt for me, no appology required as far as im concerned…
Originally posted by jrscott
Originally posted by koifish
So what your saying is the possibility of placing all NGE players into the Japanese servers, thus giving them what they (NGEs) are demanding, all condemed housing and crap we abandoned w…
I will get it, maybe not tomorrow, GameStop/ EB has a way of charging extra $5 for last few titles I've reserved.. Yes, I prepaid in full for reserve, then you show up for your copy and they hit you for an additional $5... I'll wait a week, also h…
So what your saying is the possibility of placing all NGE players into the Japanese servers, thus giving them what they (NGEs) are demanding, all condemed housing and crap we abandoned wiped out and free transfer service. Then the possibility of th…
Something is a brewing, I can sense it. I thought that those servers had been dead and gone for awhile now, and what was that one mystery server that someone pinpointed in a post in this thread, I count 3 total mysteries from same pic (all at dista…
I would come back to a 'classic' server preCU (all professions available) in a heartbeat, maybe a CU server even (this would be pushing my patience). I would play a bit on a fresh character until I get to where I wanna be with him (professions), th…