Just because you have to keep a steady vigil over the undead incursions, are constantly fighting for your life and for the sake of people you've never met, and face potential madness at any moment, that doesn't mean you can't do it in style!
Originally posted by Undeadhunter
To be fair I don't know what people keep saying about not getting a party ... just don't level a job like DRG, PUP or DRK and you'll be fine, I'm leveling COR atm, and I get invites without even being LFG all the…
First off, one poster said Blizzard should handle this themselves. In case you're not paying attention, that's exactly what they're doing. Blizzard hired Sam Raimi to direct, Blizzard attached Charles Roven to produce, and Blizzard allowed us all …
Originally posted by Netspook
A minor one: There's only ONE type of Light Staff in the entire game. Same with Dark Staff. Nothing more. So don't talk about Light StaVES, etc. Feel free to ask if you want me to rip apart more of your "facts" - tru…
Apparently you don't know the whole "Saga of Anna" as you put it. Nor do I claim to, but I know enough. Now, I'm the last person to tell anyone what they can and can't sub. If you can do your main job successfully and well, then by all means, sub…
Before you start a completely new account, check out playonline.com, they're running their "Welcome back to Vana'diel" campaign again, where former subscribers can get their characters back if they want to re-sub. When they first ran the campaign,…
I forgot to add another reason why at least I, and I'm sure some others play female toons. It's just a personal preference, couldn't possibly tell you how it developed, but I like the idea of the girl who can whip around and kick some serious a$$, …
Have to chime in on the "nicer to look at" side, though that's not the only reason I ever play female characters. On FFXI for instance, Mithra was the best race to play for certain jobs such as thief and ranger, and male Mithra as a playable option…