Beta starts tomorrow for preorders and I can't wait. I don't mind paying to play for Beta. I like having the advantage over people who whine about it. I expect server crashes restarts nerfing (balancing) to go on through these next weeks but to me h…
Well I'll not buy from download service again. Not because of bad service not because I can help the enviroment, but because I can't go into the internet and choke the living S!@$ out of someone . Where are you NEO ! Also I don't know who to pass ju…
Direct2Drive is not participating in the Head Start program however we are offering our Pre-Order customers the following exclusive content when they purchase on Direct2Drive:
Mechanoppendage B…
I'm Hooked no doubt but can't say I'm not gonna be upset if D2D won't be in Head Start and really upset if BB and Gamstop are out of preorder keys. I have this coming weekend off.
Rofl ! Dude if u can get in it will be a miracle the are letting limited number of copies a day go out watch the forum news and you might be on when they annouce when you might be able to buy it !
: ) I remember AO when it came out I beta'd ..Actually playing it again while waiting for DF..Give them time at AV as long as the major companies don't get thier claws in them I'm happy to wait.