Originally posted by Jolo
Have any keys left? Im an old L2vet and maybe coming back.
Thanks, see u in-game
Sent. Now that my account is up I can send out to others if anyone else wants one
*Reactivation Key - 90 day + expired account*
Hey guys, I used to play the game for years and happened to move on after getting tired (as anyone does) but have a weird urge to check it out again after seeing some of the new changes.
If someone c…
Originally posted by Airspell
WoW by a gigantic margin.
I have to agree, although so many people bash WoW. It is still a highly enjoyable game. It's smooth, runs well on 90% of systems (unlike other games that require £1500 worth of …
Originally posted by Fenriser
Thats the Philippines client, it has an IP Block on it stopping others from playing the Phillippines version.
If you want to give the game ago you have to download the Malaysian version and use the English patch. Fou…
It looks pretty cool! I checked out the english release. Having problems downloading the client, anyone else spotted it on http://perfectworld.levelupgames.ph/ ???
If anyone else has set up on this site, please let me know what im doing wrong