$6, $15, or even $50.........price = quality of any game. If a game should cost a lot, then the only reason I can come up with is quality.
Yeah, I understand Dofus is understaffed, but if that should be a problem, then they should do something ab…
Originally posted by 1337pwns
ok first of all what kind of noob 116 eni cant beat lvl 12x cra's come on... get an unreal wand my eni lvl 111 does 400+ dmg 3 times and is practically invincible.
second the idea of things being hard to drop is so t…
Originally posted by Abelius
Originally posted by morgan7456
If Dofus had changed to 1 account per IP address to be logged on, then I hypothesize that would solve some, but not all problems.
My router connects my real life wife (also marri…
Originally posted by Abelius
But I disagree in these:
Classes are well balanced to me. If you think (as most) that srams are over-powered then check me out (lvl 124 cra) as I beat the hell out of a sram lvl 135.
Professions are well thought thru. I…
Well, selling kamas is one thing, but gaming is another... If they're just going to sell kamas, why not sell characters who are already lvl 100+... and so on just to save everyone the time to lvl and whatsoever..Where's the fun in that?
A game sh…
The only good I can point out in Dofus are their cute, and sometimes hilarious designed graphics, as well as spell effects when casted upon. Other goods are making good friends and gaming together such as doing long hours of dungeon runs and ghost f…