I feel the best combat is still Darkfall, it is the most unique combat out there that I have played. You don't highlight a mob or player and then start mashing buttons, you fight like a First Person Shooter, using tactics, cover, coordination.
I think a melding of the two would be an interesting way to go. Basicly like someone said, a PnP style where you can go with the architypes of warrior,mage,rogue,cleric or you can train in other skills, this way if you dont want to mix and match yo…
Originally posted by KlausW
Originally posted by Sanctus_Mors
it's amazing that Mr. Bowman pulled the very thing that his predicessor, James Jones, did to the Original Mind behind Horizons, David Allen.
I hate office politics. Espcially when they ru…
Originally posted by Paladin
I don't have any personal feeling towards Mr. Bowman, one way or the other. As a gamer, however, he's definitely on my "devs not to trust" list. The Horizons beta test left a very bad taste in my mouth... we worked har…