Well the game is getting trashed pretty heavily on these forums. It really isn't that bad if you like seeing the roots of modern MMORPGs, but I'd guess you prefer a bit more gloss quickly looking at Endless Online. There needs to be at least one goo…
My previous post was deleted because I was flaming Hekama, and since I don't really post much on forums I tend to just forget the rules. That said, I still think I had valid points about Daimonin, so here's an edited text of my original post.
I re…
{ Mod Edit }
I recently switched to Ubuntu, so Ive been searching for Linux compatible games, and that's when I found Daimonin. Before you start it, definitely read the "About" page at their main site, so that you understand what Daimonin actually…
Thanks for the heads up, and it's completely possible that by some odd quirk my forum account got banned on creation. It's resolved now though, possibly due to the e-mail I sent to web@ncaustin.com, though I haven't actually heard anything back from…
And now, a week of trying to get in later, the DR boards have corrected themselves and are letting me in. GARH! Anyways, best to leave this up in case anyone can recommend a solution for me.