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  • Originally posted by jayheld90 and i dont think the graphics are all that great either. On a good system, this is one of the best looking MMO's on the market, so I dunno what kind of PC you were playing it on...
  • Originally posted by Counterweigh Anyone else find it fucking funny that this moron will hound FH than log on a character thats supposed to be involved in distributing their interactive content moments later? Keep it up asshole your getting yours…
  • Originally posted by Counterweigh This games a load of shit... They can hardly populate 3 servers thats how bad it is. Most of these idiots that are trying to hype it up have faction-mates with job's inside the company and are completly full of shi…
  • Originally posted by Counterweigh Why is it a good time to check out the game when the three remaining Dev's are on a month long vacation and any interactive content has been shut down till they get off? It sounds to me like its a horrible time to…
  • Same ol trolls posting the same ol tiresome leaked screenshots. Do you people get a hard on for trolling every MxO forums whipping out these screenshots? You all musta got a kick making those trial accounts and spamming the forums that night. Funny …
  • Why the hell do you even care ZippyDodah? Do you enjoy bashing MxO on these forums that hardly anyone even looks at anyway, a little safe haven for you to vent about a game you used to play, and now instead of moving on to another game, you constant…