People will enjoy it for mabey few months then its just boring as hell. Right now games horible grinder where money is hard to get to maney bugs and they want you pay before they go live gee wonder why lol smells of a cheap rip off.
I like people who say the game is polished shows you never tested it.
Its far from polished they claim to *fix* bugs yet more popup latest patch horribly unbalances the game its becoming more of a grind fest game at very least is 5 months away fro…
No offence to koreans but things i noticed about there games are.
A.GRIND like hell mabey few quests
B.Easy to hack/bug abuse on
C.all basicly look close to the same
D.Most come out free see reason on all above
Basicly they look like p…
I first played it when it came out graphix arnt to bad i met bunch nice people but when you hit 20 then you choose the job you want gets realy boring just killing same things over and over again i may try it again later date if they do anything to s…
The game is dieing to be exact currpted GM's no support buy everything from them for real money then get banned when your money drys up then pay again to get unbanned game itself is ok people running it thats horible and i heard there geting alot of…
Listen to the others DON'T play this game the game is a big money scam there GM's help friends and sell items so the company gets there knight cash it's all been proven true about them, If you want high lvl char with leet items just be a GM's friend…
It is a badly made game there making improvments But i have yet to see them making it easyer to tell froend from foe most people that play are rude ignorent and simply fags just to much wrong with it to make it i think.
I was in same place you where jeffm i got fed up shot everyone that came near me till someone said wtf are you doing lol anyways game is lacking in maney maney ways to hard tell friend from foe, My advise be LED or army guys till you learn the in an…