Originally posted by SpiritofGame
I no longer care about the trolls and nay-sayers.
I preordered and played the Preview Weekend -- I have seen the game for myself -- and I am now very happy I preordered.
I can't wait for Open Beta and Head Start.…
I didn't like it. I felt that the quests lacked originality and a key ingredient... fun. I didn't like the land so much, as I felt confined and limited, like a GW instanced town. The lack of diversity in classes is also a con. I may keep testing as …
I can't play that. I tried it recently, a few months back, and I thought it was still terrible. They still haven't fixed the mess they made of the game. Sorry, I wont go back.
Originally posted by Ammon777
Freaking puzzles? I HATE PUZZLES IN GAMES.
You won't be the only one to play this game. Some people enjoy mental challenges in games.
Originally posted by iffymack
i didnt like TR in beta that much
I for one don't know what it was like in the beta, because I didn't get to play it. If the beta somehow ruined some people's experience of the game, then I am kind of glad…
Originally posted by Souvec
Two thumbs up! Finally a game that has the long lost element... fun.
I agree completely with this statement. This MMO is fun to play for me. I will keep subscribing until it ceases to be fun. I think it is a grea…
Originally posted by seabass2003
Landroval would be the server you want. It was designated as the un-official RP server. Lots of fun, if you like to RP. But I have seen people RP on all servers. If you want to be where the most RPers are though L…
I totally agree, antoniuspius. This game has great gfx on max, and at the same time it has great performance. The quests are not boring, and there seems to be plenty to level up on. The people are friendly (for the most part, but there will always b…