Too slow as usual hah. It looks "bleh". All the other titles seem to be fantasy, but I found out some other odd things there, like a "storm hawks" mmo I have heard nothing about.
Im glad they did either. I play both games so its fine with me. I would like a Necromunda kinda game, and a mmorpg of something like inquisitor would be cool too. As the other topics that talked about this, it is hard to do a somewgat decent 40k gam…
Eh, im not one for low level ganging. Tried lineage 2, and lost interest pretty fast due to dieng, from the hoards of high levels that stood outside every exit from the starting town killing anything that left. Tried 3 servers same deal everywhere. …
I said PVP, never PVE, im sure if anyone reads this topic they would see what i said, not what they WANT to see. Your mind is so diluted you see what you want. I think you actions best describe you as a troll. You had no goal in making this topic bu…
I'v played every mmo that has pvp since they have been coming out... and never heard of you or your group. If you werent caught up so much in you own "leetness" you might know that most games have alot of diffrent servers. and unless you have played…
lol? how do i sound pissed? I think your probly some kinda noob and a social failure. As far as any skills you may have they probly end after you figured out how to log into a game. Im not mad, but damn you look like a fool. How many of you post hav…
lol? I was making fun of the way you speak, but went way over your head apparently. You corrected one word, but didn't notice luke instead of look...Pure genius. GG, go play WoW...