Well i have an older computer that wasn't ment reallly for gaming it has
3000+ AMD Sempron processor
256Mb pc 2700 DDR DMA hard drive
60GB 7200rpm ultra DMA hard drive
CD-RW drive
48x32x48x max. speed
So would it be cheaper adn…
I to hate names like kilingguy and pippin44556 but what about real world names a bit more older then bob like Christopher and Henry and geourge because they were around in the medival age but this is fantasy not medival so i just was wondering how m…
This game does not have shitty graphics i like the looks of these characters more then the ones on Vanguard
plus the landscape in this game is the best i have ever seen
THis game sucks the only thing its got going for is that it is free
but since it is free it is extremly crappy and the graphics look theyre from dreamcast or something
I definatly think its got what it takes to be a very sucsefful MMORPG i dont see how you could screw up middle earth its the perfect fantasy world and it looks like turbine got it dead on almost
i dont see whats so good about AOC and i would get b…
What kinda Graphics card will you need
i no DDO is a recomended 64MB but these graphics look tons better then DDO i think so will u probally need a better Graphics card??
Lord of The Rings i think will have as good as chance of AoC or WAR the graphics are sweet in it plus the quest system looks terific in LotRO
it will definatly be better then DDO Turbine has definatly learned from their mistakes and LotRO will be …