I am going to take the time to write a long and incredibley thought out post on this subject. Why? Because I just spent 2 hours away from developing my resume that could get me in to the swing of making all those new and awesome MMOs your all waitin…
Or you could forsake graphics, statistics and the madening grind and go to text-based MUSHes.
I mean all the average one allows you to do is create a character that actually looks the way you want them to, stay in this character while your playin…
I'm noticing a few common assumptions floating around...
First of all is the assumption that he has no life. Honestly, if he just skipped 4 months to 1 year worht of work, he just opened up his calendar since when he isn't raiding he only needs …
Originally posted by Fugnudz
Originally posted by AcidSerra
I think with your last sentence we are mostly in agreement.
I need to be more explicit in the example I was thinking of. I'm talking about a guy roleplaying a girl, aggressively…
Gotta love people's over simplification of very complicated issues.
Listen, transgendered people, including cross-dressers, transexuals, drag-queens, genderqueers and so on and so forth are NOTnecissarily gay. We are not 'closet gays', we are not…
I would like to poitn out now that I am no longer going to debate wether or not WoW is a good game. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and watched it burn in the flame-war. I would, however, like to share ideas and opinions on issues that have s…
There is the additional issue of members of the Transgendered community who ARE the opposite sex of what people have assigned them, but have a very difficult time getting people to understand this. In games they can pick an avatar that is femminine …
Some gamers wake up in the morning with a single thought mulling about in their minds, in fact it probably prompted dreams as they slept, 'How will I beat/get ahead in this game?'. But some, like myself, take that a step further, 'How can I make a g…