Correction - I have no right to sue - I always have a right to complain.
If your grandma gave all her grandchildren money, but gave you none, wouldn't you complain?
It's her money, she doesn't have to give you any...
I tried that choice - when you try to register, it says "This country is not authorized".
And if I seem a bit sensitive, it's just because I think it is unfair that countries in which there are obviously close to no players of computer games at al…
Laos is no where near Europe.
And if Algeria and Yemen weren't on the list, I wouldn't have said a word.
But if you include them, you have to include Israel.
well, I find it very hard to believe they managed to program it for ALGERIA and YEMEN, but not for Israel.
I can guarentee you the number of MMO players in Israel is more than 100 the number it is in thoes two countries combined.
I wrote EAmythi…
I'm with you, man.
I'm gonna keep playing WoW and check on Vanguard form time to time to see if it improved.
Also, I pre-ordered Lord of the Rings On-Line, and I hope it won't disappoints