World of Goo
Age of Conan
Age of Empires III plus both expansions
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age II
FIFA 11 Demo
The First Templar Beta
Grand Theft Auto IV
GTA San Andreas
Mass Effect
Started with Everquest, but really didn't and couldn't understand my game needs at the time. Started beta of Dark Age of Camelot and haven't looked back. I spent a lot of time with DAoC and enjoyed my time there.
I tried all three and still can't make up my mind. I have seen a lot of people complaining about the consoleness/MEness of the game direction, but I enjoyed the game. I think they took what was good in DAO and improved the sleekness of everything.…
+1 for both Kyleran and Ikeda
We didn't get the laptops for us, we got them for our wives, so that we could keep our hobbies from going into some black hole.
Also, if people would shop around and get ASUS or Sager machines and not the overprice…
Found this in the mean time, this should get everyone squared away.
Three keys also
See everyone on the 15th