You saying theres something wrong with pokemon????? if it was that bad they wouldn't have made billions of pounds already!!!
k and k jr
massive pokemon fans
Someone who agrees with me saying dofus is ok thank the lord!!!!
You got some good points about dofus there!!
And selling kamas on ebay is mad!!!
K and Kjr
Its only 7 dollars which is £4.50 you get around 80% more area can buy houses get to go over lv 100 have pets get compensation if the servers are down get to join bramkarians or bontarians and mosters over lv 20 the extra race (pandwanas) and extra…
Runescape sucks compared to kinght online the graphics rule there 5x better than runescape and it don't start freezing constantly and it doesn't keep saying loading on screen!!! + i played on runescape 2 years now theres nothing to do and you get bo…
I never used to play dransik but have played it and to be honest i dont think its that good compared to ashen empires and who agress with me that only being able to reach lv 10 sucks??