Originally posted by Yarisagos
Originally posted by Jtown
Well i'm out. Played till level 36 SORC and i''m done. Vanguard is not a "bad" game... its not really all that "good". The quests are very bland, the game play and mobs are a bit…
I think this may be a positive... It could allow players to play more than one toon and try out other spheres as well rather than grinfdfocus to get 1 level in a day to a week.
Oh and bugs that amuse me:
Using recall and when I arrive it says "You have learned X ability!" which cleary is not an ability I will ever learn and when I check my abilities its not there.
Being able to partially complete a collect 10 type ques…
I'm using the reg UI, should I use something else? Where do I see C1 on the sec hotbar? Sorry to sound stupid but I did mess with the thing for a while...Its going to get really annoying to play sorceror later if I can't get it figured out.
It doesn't work for me... I've tried control+#, etc and have tried changing them as well. I think somethigns screwy in the settings because when I click to revert to defaults nothing happens.
Originally posted by neuronomad
Originally posted by Cymdai
It's just a horrible, terrible mismanagement of priorities.
Devs should work on the progress of their game in this order.
1. Functionality/Performance Issues
2. Bugs/Exploits/Dup…