Originally posted by SnaKey
I'm voting for this guy to play with himself. It's always the best option and always free.
After careful reflection, I will be going with this option!
(Seriously, thanks for the help guys. Keep the suggestions …
World of Warcraft just seemed to lose its magic for me after TBC. I raided when 60 all the way through Naxx and had a great time doing that. I enjoyed myself, and was in "That guild" for the longest time ripping up PvE and PvP content. It was a grea…
Originally posted by UnSub
Umm... that's an awfully big area to cover. Some questions:
1) Will you be playing CoH or CoV, or both?
2) How long has it been since you last logged in?
3) What did you play before? What did you like / dislike?
4) Why …