Thanks for the info. I'll go check out the main site. I must say I am amazed at how organized people are (going to forums, creating web pages) all for a game that doesn't come out until the end of the year. Do you think there will be players in th…
Cool, that was my fav book growing up. I didnt realize the game was out already. I thought it was still an upcomign game. The character classes looked a little weak though.
I just read about Age of Conan online. That looks pretty good, and I used to love those books as a kid. Its going to eb rated mature, so hopefully that keeps the number of kids lower. I guess it doesnt come out for a while.
Maybe I'll finna…
Hey all, thanks for the replies. I didn't mean to start an online war. To clarify some of what I said, and to answer some points others made, I am not against a monthly fee. I can live with that. As far as drops vs. crafting, I definilty prefe…