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  • I am just starting Fury, and it is very skill based, thats the reason i picked it up off the shelf, most mmo's, are like "whack a mole" and best stuff wins, not in this, its stunning and should be in a new genre completly, it is like CS, kinda, very…
  • to be honest i dont know why TR is being so discredited, its a great game, better than most games out there, even non mmo's, but, if it was gonna be a 1st person shooter, it would become too similar to games like CoD4,  alhough you would still be in…
  • Originally posted by Shoal   It will fail (in my opinion) because NO game in this genre has ever managed to recover from a poor launch.  Even EQ2, probably the poster child for failed launch revcoveries is still in very poor shape when compared t…
  • i sorely dissagree (no suprises there) Auto assault was a failiure, a novilty, but TR aint, it is, but it will never wear off !!! NEVER!!! its all ready topped the ammount of views of WoW on this site, and WAR, GW, all teh big names, though, your ri…
  • YAY someone with their head on right LOL, yeah the pvp need touching up.......just a bit though
  • LOL!!! i have played it, am a subscriber since beta stopped, i played WoW for 3 years, stopping, then starting.....and so on then i just got sick of it within 2 months of starting again.....LOL       WoW sux :P
  • so is this game woth getting over all the other mmorpgs comming out or that allready are? am am at the moment looking for a new MMOafter i got bored with WoW i, advise is allways welcome
  • i meant that WAR was in the making long before WoW and was then abruptly stopped in 2003, then they started it up againin 2005, mean while WoW took the grafics style
    in WoW clone Comment by xohox February 2007
  • This may be a silly theory, but WAR was in creation along time before WoW, to put it blunt i think the comical look was not created by blizzard, but mythic.
    in WoW clone Comment by xohox February 2007