I'll have to say LOTRO due to graphics alone. I played from beta through Level Cap of Mines of Moria then had to go back to WoW due to wife playing WoW. But I came back when LOTRO went F2P and was reminded of how polished the gameplay/graphics/ an…
qombi, you will be always be playing new mmos then, because every mmo that will ever come out will always make the beginning content easier in the game. It is a formula that works and has been proven to work. I don't know what to tell you other t…
I think everyone is missing the hidden agenda here. A lot of people that play the game (as I do) have hit lvl 60 with at least on toon. Now what. You maxed out your armor, grinded the quests, grinded the traits, grinded the factions. I think tha…
I am on lunch break so sorry if someone already posted this idea.
My main objection to all mmorpg games (which I still love and played just about everyone at sometime) is the removal of some basic rpg concepts. By this I mean ice spells hurt fire …