I've heard that they were going to add cross-server seiges sometime in the far future to fight against the Japan And Korean servers, but that's just a rumor...a very, very, very unstable, not proved, should-not-be-taken seriously and/or spread even …
Few Answers:
1. No clue...it's unofficially just Warrior(Sword/Lance/Axe), Mage (Cane user), Ranger (Bow/Gun User), Artisan (The item producers). Kind of like Runescape in a way, with you being a class without actually being one...Who knows, maybe…
Originally posted by unevenjunk
This game was weird i tried to play it and couldnt get into it any advice?
Try to play with friends, buff random people (if you're an assist), fly around, annoy people in server 4(PK), play in a normal/adv. p…