Processor - Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
Memory - 1022MB RAM
Graphic card - RADEON X300 SE
i hope that helps in someway
Yeah from what I read on their website their still working on reputation for BC
here a link to their Website reputation system
If anyone find any new information on WoW reputation please…
LOTRO for sure cause that going to be the first major hit to Blizz and WoW, also if you pre-order it now your monthy fee only going to be $9.99. and of coure its going to be one hell of a game.
Originally posted by sitheus
I'm surprised to see Blizz release a lot of content for one patch. How is this? Did they fire all the EQ guys? LOL.
Or could it be that they realized that Turbine MMORPG "Lord of the Ring Online" is going to be takin…