"The game developers, CCP, has endorsed border-line game exploits and player harassment have turned their backs to in-game petitions from new players wanting to enjoy the game in high security space. "
Yes thats right it's them,not a FEW new whini…
It takes a LONG time to really start getting the most out of it.
But the combat not twitch and fire.Its all about strat' and co-operation.
I was in a 42 ship fight last week,(been working this week)
I was sweating like a good'en..ears straini…
The Crew thing would be good,the rest isn't that nesssary.
To be honest I think they have the play balance right.
Too much realism doent make for a good game esp' over a
network.You'd just get pissed off alot.
The way it works makes sense an…
"Actually, if you bothered to look up the numbers, eve's population peaked 27 days ago, and has slowly(but steadily) declined since then."
You mean they haven't broken their OWN online record in the last 27 days,well that proves it
HOW Scienti…
Record amounts of people online at once..more content added,more planed.
In the last 2 months Ive seen the amount of people online play increase evey week.
And more and more that left coming back to EvE.
So say after me "Yes thats right..it…