Originally posted by Foomerang They probably saw the FFXIV style and are going for that. Its a good setup.
Lord rings had this before FFXIV did. FFXIV is actually kinda limited on what you could do compared to LOTR.
Originally posted by cheyane They are in your name/application data /roaming/NC Soft/Wildstar folder. This reditt had a post
Ya where I saw the i…
Originally posted by BetaBlocka Originally posted by sgel It runs perfectly on my rig and 30> FPS on my laptop while I'm questing.
I see a lot less people complaining about performance now.. so they HAVE optimized it quite a bit.
However …
I found main story line quite boring. And class story even more boring. The stories in 14 was done people behind CoP FFXI. If it was then they dropped the ball. Cause the story for CoP was epic from begining to end. The final fight was so epic.
I played 14 arr at launch to past 2.1. I knew of people clearing turns 1-5, crystal towers and all 3 primals in about 3 hours. Then had nothing to do afterwards. Primal and raid boss fights was nothing but a memory game. No randomness at all. Be lik…
I have just unsubbed from ff 14 just like a week ago. Game is awesome to look at. But it biggest repetitive game I have ever played as mmo goes. Also gameplay is horrible. 2.5 gcd is bad and boring. Also boss fight mechanics revolves around instant …
People should post more on how console players are outcasted in the FF 14 community. And also that there is like hardly any end game content. Any end content there is can be done 2 hours tops. Like all extreme modes primals and all of coil. Heck eve…
Titan was scrapped. They are starting over from the begining.
I kinda remember GW2 being up and down a lot during launch. I also remember it being very terrible at early access. All mmo launches are all bad.
People need to deal with it. Nothing perfect.
Originally posted by Gameloading
Originally posted by Draccan
Aion looks very nice, but I think it might just be another Asian grindfest...
That's because you haven't done enough research on it. Aion is trying to avoid grinding as much as …
i read in couple game forums alot of people believe this to kill ffxi. me personal i going to play this game. after playing ffxi for so long. if want to read up more on this game check out aionsource.com. PR people for ncsoft post there alot.
from what aion-source says it is a world wide release. i think one of the devs post on that site time to time. here is link to official english site.http://eu.aiononline.com/en they devs got on that site and couple other dedicated aion fan sites an…