Well I've played FF for a bit now and when you think about how much it cost and how much effort it takes to make these games the Graphics are quite good. It was good for it's time and to me if you look at everything it's good compared to some other …
You're probably right the only places i've been to are Gustaberg,Valkrum,Mahura,San-doria the simple places in the game.
I would say that WOW is lager in Size because if you ran in one direction for an hour you'd cover about 1/100 of the map (A bi…
In Second life if you get money from the people from buying our products you can sell you L$ on they're website I think thats how it works but I haven''t botherd checking so sorry if I'm wrong! (Don't flame!)
I bought it recentley it's good but WOW surrpasses it in some ways.
Like FF everyone likes for the story line and gameplay yet in WOW you have more options and quest! Alos it's much larger!
Btw people Don't Flame me......It's boring lol