Great game dont look at the vid or Screen shot give the game a hour of your life come on chat channal 1 and get on a ship. This way you can see the True resion most of us still play.
He is right it would be braking NDA. I still think people shouldnt use Hyper Meter based on screen shots but off them acouly playing it. This would give games a better chance in the market.
Graphics update would be nice. But getting a Better set up for Civs would be great too. Like more buildings or a Costem build system for Civs to acouly make thier Colonies show growing.
what where you smoking thats along time. From SOL to Klinshien or Therraton space is only what 1-2 hours Real time. To reach the centor of the Galexy XY takes months. Resion why no one goes. Well that and you blow up from radeation befor you get thi…
just head to the fourms thier will be of help to learn what the games realy about. But thiers nothen better then trying it out your self. If you come to try it out and are a C…
Omg the Little vid is out of date by far. Trust me on that and it only shows the inside of a Tico ship thiers more then a Tico in this game. And yes the Tico has little Startrek look to it kind of. Acouly looks more like Startrek Orginal then any ot…
Im going to have to agree. To a point the game does lack graphics true and most players these days look for that. But then agine most players in the market are kids. As for what jammer said this game appels to the Mature crowed. As this has RP and P…