Originally posted by stcolympia
Could some one please explain the progression server? Been away from EQ newsfor quite ssome time
here it is:
give warriros a buff? ok take this new 2handed weapon with 95dps
is that enough or want more? warriors are doing more dmg in high end raid than the other classes that are only there to give dps (hunters, mage, rogues)
hunters were getting weapons …
23 here but quit wow tired of never end raid and their stupid random drops (this made me mad when my guild was farming nefarian already and never saw a legendary item and then i saw a guy with the sulfuras cause his l33t guild killed ragnaros only o…
i used to play this in mid 2003 and till 2004...and then i left to wow cause i got tired of not finding grp's
and now i got tired of wow and im thinking of coming back to eq1 and check out the progression server