Still on a recruitment push!
... also if you happen to be a member or leader of a smaller FC and are struggling with activity please consider discussing possible mergers with us, we are open to absorbing other FC's and we can discuss this in great…
recruitment is open looking for all active friendly social players on Odin .. also specifically we are now looking to get ready for PvP and end-game content so if you are level 50 be sure to apply too!
we had some issues with our email system yesterday and overnight so if anyone submitted an application and have not received a reply could you please re-submit your application.. sorry for any inconvenience caused! (I was up until the wee hours of t…
New applications have already been submitted and we have been greeting our new members! be sure to get an app in as we would hate for all you awesome folk to miss out!
OK guys, we are full again, recruitment is closed Which means we are no longer actively looking for more members.
You are free to submit an application but we can't guarantee anything! sorry! See you all in game!
Due to some secret formula's and membership activity tracking! We are now able to accept applications again! Be sure to check us out and make an application as soon as possible! this won't last long!
Really enjoying the second Phase 3 weekend.. our ranks are swelling and we are on the brink of our soft cap please don't hesitate any longer and get your app in while you can!
More applications coming in all the time! be sure to join something special before we run out of space!
The best EU FFXIV “Free Company”, The best community, The best people! We are fully self funded with a large capacity Team-speak 3 server, a sel…
Originally posted by Parrog
Everyone seems awesome so far
Kind of you to say! we certainly hope more people will join us soon and enjoy Phase 3 beta with us if you havn't been invited yet don't worry; more beta invites going out soon..
..but …
Thats a shame well be sure to join us on TS and the forums and hopefully in FFXIV beta too!
And to everyone else reading out recruitment thread; I had a blast today playing FFXI with some of our new members; hoping more of you will apply soon a…
Another FFXI stream this Sunday around about 10am (GMT +1) be sure to tune in as we try to pass the time until Realm Reborn's release! or better yet! join our Free Company and be a part of something great!
applications are still open but won't be forever!.. be sure to get an app in!.. lots of fun and games with all our new members and if you join early you'll really help us form our Free Company to be the best it can be!