Heh, ur callin me an idiot, when u can't even spell kser right? Besides, chill out, it's a game, everyone has their own opinions about it, and no, i'm not just some stupid noob that sucks at it, i've had many chars and multiple accounts, but i just…
Hey, I saw that ur lookin for a good game ur gf would like. I'd suggest flyff (fly for fun). It's a free to play game, with a cash shop where u can pay for extra stuff. I've played it for about 3 years now, and can give any help or advice needed if …
I liked this game too for a while in the beginning, then yes, the unending grinding, hackers, and gm's that didn't really do anything...I pretty much quit because good games should have more to do that JUST GRINDING and the hackers need to be taken …
Sounds good, lookin forward to it, although, i heard crucio is gona get knocked down on the pk server. Like, it'll only return either 1/2
the damage done to you, or 1/4 of the damage done to you...but other than that, v8 sounds cool.