In closing
Personally I found myself frustrated trying to grind with the intent of just wanting to join a group. But grouping is not effective unless you do elites at lvl 15 starting. I also wanted to get some pvp done but was unable to really.
Originally posted by stayontarget
Originally posted by Hagrin
If graphics is how you rate an MMO then you probably should not be playing MMO's, graphics are the last concern, wow is the best in every way tested, tried and proven...
You f…
I think the only thing that draws people to wow is the simplicity of the PVP and PVE system, The mechanics for it are very simple, game types are easy to learn - Warsong, Arathi-basin, Alterac Valley and the rest of them. I for one really do enjoy …
At the moment i play wow, sadly it's all but lost it's appeal.. Even with my stinky 400MS all the way from down under..
I really do see WAR as the next game on my to do list, just by watching the various podcast's they've released i was hooked i…