You're ACTUALLY saying that PvP is all about no consequences to your actions? And because Funcom has the audacity to insert a system of action/reaction, they're destroying your PvP experience?
Take note people: This is what the …
Chryses: I know it's not saying a lot, but that is the single best post I've ever read on mmorpg.com
Thank you Sir, for restoring some of my faith in humanity.
Funcom has some truely brilliant people... unfortunately they also have some hardasses in the finance dept.
Most likely they are launching before the game is ready, having forgotten the hell which was AO.. or thinking that ANYTHING is better than …
I'm really struggling to not be harsh, so please take this as positive criticism Laura.
Your "articles" on blog spotlights are really nothing that a link couldn't cure to be honest. You don't add anything by way of suggested thoughts, differing vi…
I touched on some of these as part of my blog, so this is a partial rehash:
* Climbing Lucan's Mount in Commonlands, only to discover a golem who did so much knockback I died on landing...
* Turning a corner at lvl 17 and running headlong into …