Originally posted by Sarr
Originally posted by brewergamer
ok.. now what does ddo stand for?
Ahh, sorry . Dungeons & Dragons Online. Much changed game. It's 3rd Anniversary at the moment, though in Europe main part of celebrations wi…
Originally posted by Teganx
Darkfall seriously sounds like exactly what you are looking for, especially if you liked SWG.
FPS style combat and seeing as there is only one server it is pretty full of people. The game is new so TONS of people will …
Originally posted by SequenceLost
You could also look into Planetside. I realize its technically SOE, but its more of the red-headed stepchild of the bunch. Your only fear there is the potential of a shutdown, but being SOE I doubt they'll part…
darkfall is.. complicated to get, i doubt its even american because i would not have such trouble trying to get it. Its telling me the shop is offline to the US, so darkfall is out of the question. it looked like a great game, but its not establis…
how could it have good pvp with no population? lol, population is one of the main things to make pvp better.. I liked swg's combat system because its very fast paced. i would have stayed in swg if i wasnt banned permanently lol, i was banned on the…