You guys kinda missed the point, hes talking about world PVP, as in contested zones on PvE servers and everywhere on a PvP server. Not just places like wintergrasp. I think that, while you have put a lot of thought into this system, you have overloo…
AHAHAH blizzard you sneaky bastards. if you follow the link in the very first post ( ) to the actual article, and scroll down you'll find a WOTLK advertisement on the very …
I would like to point out that yes they are a business (and i applaud you for noticing that) they are developing and moo and as such different financial equations come into play. They dont need huge pre launch PR because mmos dont make their money b…
Originally posted by Waterlily
Originally posted by CaesarsGhost
Are gamers to blame? Yes.
I can safely ignore all of your succeeding posts now.
rofl *hands waterlily some victory*