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  • Another thing i dislike is magical items. Not as in "Epic Broadsword", But more along the likes of " That regular dagger that just makes you feel a little smarter ". Magical items should be rare and special. I'm going to take an example from *Sigh…
  • Originally posted by Midare LOL Yes, getting killed by a deer isn't a very flattering way to go. I lost a family member that way, actually, he was chasing it on a snow machine. It panicked and tried to leap over or pass in front of him instead of…
  • Originally posted by Midare   Oh, for sure. I think zone-restrictions could take care of Billy, though, leaving him in a zone where a hydra makes sense so he can hunt down and eat people. A hydra being aggressive and rampaging around like godzill…
  • Originally posted by Shoju Places to cyber and some good cybering emotes.    / Rape / Soothe / Cackle?
  • Originally posted by Midare You know, I heard something once, that a game had player-run monsters. I can't help but think that events like that are FAR more interesting and entertaining than any "end game content" that developers could crank out …
  • I just thought about something, and i can't understand why i haven't thought of it before. Seeing how i've been playing the game since launch. WoW is really shallow is it not? I mean, the only things that separate you from that other warrior, is w…
  • Thanks for all of the advice people, I've really been having fun lately, trying out different things. But i always thought that the first epic arc was there to "Conclude" the tutorial - Angst. I'll just have to try running some more contacts and…
  • To me, the most important part of every mmo is The Setting. I need to really enjoy the world and the lore to even consider trying Roleplaying in the first place. That's why i have a very limited choice of games. Including WHFB, WH40K, DnD - and oc…
  • I just cant stress this enough: Think it through. I'm like you, I love the whole IP. But  seeing how the game has turned out, i'd recommend that you turn around and never look back. I played since Open Beta - and bought the Collectors Edition. …