I'll add one thing they left out... Balrogs. Book 11 is to have Balrogs. Not neccessarily the Balrog of Moria, but the shock-troops of Morgoth are to be released into the world in book 11.
I quit playing MxO because I got tired of paying $15 a month to be treated like a red-headed stepchild by SOE. MxO was my entry to MMOs, and to be honest I still love the game despite having moved to LOTRO. Enough people play regularly to sustain …
This is why I like the way LOTRO does rested XP. After a full night of me away from the PC I may come back to 2000XP (at 17th level) in a virtual buffer. I don't get that all at once, but if I kill a critter for 100xp (to make the math easy) I'll…