no not too many kiddies so to say are, but enough do that i can post here about the game , like i said to the other poster, i have been gaming for over 10 years on the net, and text bases is on the cusp of a good thing
thank you for the link i sh…
no its not a marketing *gimmick* if i wanted to that i would have posted something else, in that effect
The game itself has been around for about 5 years, but Matts *the creator* made some drastic improvements and changes in the last few mont…
It always amazes me that when i come to these forums people are always so quick to bash a game when all the person is doing is providing a plateau to get another one out there
I have been gaming online for 1o years, and i market games for a li…
me, i go to kings of Chaos, played it for 4 years now, my *character is not liked in the community so when RL is stressed i go and take it out on a few accounts in the game