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A wise man once said: "Tis better to stay silent and be thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt." If you wish to know me, I extend my hand to you. Step out on to the floor, will you deny me this dance? Basically, if you want to know something, ask me some questions. . .I don''t promise i''ll give you an answer you''ll like, sometimes you might not get an answer and honestly, you might leave more confused then when you came in. Truth of it all is, I know who I am, but I have no idea who I am at the same time, it''s such wonderful contradiction, which fits in rather well with the controlled chaos. ;)


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  • Originally posted by DarknesFalls Originally posted by Czzarre I guess I always had a hard time roleplaying using text and then using voice chat when raiding. Just seems to take something away from the mystique of the game. I like what the above…
  • Originally posted by cougardave Sadly what you say is true on a number of WoW realms. However, there are several RP servers that are very good, and full of real(tm) role players. As odd as it may seem, I've actually found more quality role players …
  • Originally posted by Stellos RP is not typically seen in young players.  WoW = youth.  If you want to RP then don't play games that tailor to kids.  You are better off playing UO or D&D, something that attracts older players.  Not to say you ca…
  • Originally posted by Sardokan I played over a dozen of different MMORPGs, like Starwars: Galaxies, Everquest 2, Auto Assault, EVE and so on. So I tried in WoW in hope, that the community is not as bad, as everone says. I created a character on a RP…
  • I agree with the masses on this one. Voice chat and roleplay is just to damn "clumsy" as everyone has said. Besides, majority of my roleplay is interestingly enough, outside of gameplay (ie: Forums and Guild Sites). I'm sure there will be a sele…
  • Originally posted by redcap036 I've been playing in this reality game world called,"Life" for 42 years. Maybe i need to take a break, a couple of hours per day maybe? I hear that if one dosn't take a regular breaks, every now and then, bad things c…
  • I've gone on major gaming sessions like that before, in WOW once, I was playing and all of a sudden this little pop up asked me if I wanted to take a break. I clicked "NO" and played on! I don't know how long i've played straight through though, c…
  • he collapsed after three days? Only!?! Tch, dude had no stamina.